Health Benefits of Having Avocado In Your Diet

Avocado is a unique fruit with a creamy texture and high level of healthy fats that grow in tropical climates.

Known as alligator pear or butter fruit, avocado is loaded with healthy fats, good fiber, and many other healthy nutrients.

Avocados contain a substantial amount of healthy mono-saturated fat acids and nearly 20 minerals and vitamins.

Good numbers of research show that there are powerful benefits to eating avocados.

In this article, we will focus on detailing some benefits of having avocado in our daily diet.

Eating a diet composed highly of fruits and vegetables can help improve our health.

It also helps reduce the risk of a lot of diseases.

The main diseases point out are diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and even prevent our risk of getting cancer.

The predominant plant-based diet increases the body’s energy level, promotes weight loss, decreases hair loss, etc.…

Avocados are rich in nutrients

Avocados, prized for their high values in nutrients, can be added to various dishes because of their great flavor and texture.

Avocado has become very popular in the diets of people conscious of their health.

The most popular avocado composed dish known by most people in the United States is guacamole because its main ingredient is avocados.

In contrast, avocado can also be sliced to add to a salad, added to your sandwiches, and many more.

Around the world, there are many varieties of avocados in shape and color.

Mostly green, some look purple or become purple when ready to be eaten, some are bigger in shape than others.

According to experts, one single avocado, which is around 100 grams, contains (percentage of daily value):

Vitamin K: 26% 

Folate: 20% 

Vitamin C: 17% 

Potassium: 14% 

Vitamin B5: 14%


Vitamin B6: 13% 

Pantothenic acid

Vitamin E: 10%

Also, avocados are a great source of manganese, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorous, vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), and potassium.

Avocados provide lutein, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids.

 One fruit of avocado also contains approximately 15 grams of healthy fats, 2 grams of protein, and, 160 calories.

Although it contains 9 grams of carbs, 7 of which are fibers, there are only 2 net carbs, making this a low-carb-friendly plant food.

Avocados are full of healthy, beneficial fats that help to keep you full and satiated.

Eating healthy fats supports skin health, enhances the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, and may even boost the immune system.

Avocado contains monounsaturated fatty acids healthy for the heart

Known as one of the fattiest food on the planet, about 77% of its calories come from fat. The type of fats in avocado is oleic acid, a fatty acid classified as monounsaturated omega-9.

Oleic acid is a fatty acid that occurs naturally in various animal and vegetable fats and oils.

Studies have shown that oleic acid reduces inflammation and has beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer.

Beta-sitosterol, a natural plant sterol that regular consumption has been seen to benefit health cholesterols levels.

For its resistance to heat-induced oxidation, avocado oil is praised as a healthy and safe choice for cooking.

Avocados, loaded with Powerful Antioxidant

Avocados contain two phytochemicals: lutein and zeaxanthin, concentrated in the eyes tissues to provide antioxidant protection to reduced damage and ultraviolet light effects. 

Studies show that these two nutrients are essential for eye health, lower the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, and prevent the risk of getting cataracts.

Including avocados in your diet should greatly benefit eyes health over time.

Avocado, Cute, Kawaii, Food, Diet, Fruit, Cartoon

Avocados May help to prevent cancer

Evidence related to avocados’ benefits in preventing cancer and treatment is minimal.

Laboratory tests suggest that avocados may help reduce chemotherapy’s side effects in human lymphocytes.

Taking an adequate amount of food folate showed promising results in preventing cancers like the colon, cervical, pancreas, and stomach.

Experts believe that folate can protect against undesirable mutations in DNA and RNA during cell division.

Some research found that phytochemical extracts from avocados can obstruct the expansion of precancerous and cancerous cells and even cause cancer cell death leading to the conclusion that avocados may play a significant role in cancer treatment.

Since these studies have been done only in labs, they don’t necessarily prove effective on people for the lack of human-based research.

Avocados are great for Lowering the risk of depression and natural detoxification.

Avocados, rich with fiber nutrients essential to promote regular bowel movements, crucial for the daily excretion of toxins through vitriol and stool.

Foods with a high level of folate are beneficial for decreasing the risks of depression.

Folate helps prevent homocysteine, a substance responsible for impairing the circulation and delivery of nutrients to the brain to build up.

Consuming avocados can contribute to weight loss, decrease blood sugar stimulation, and reduce the risks of many other diseases.

Studies recently show that healthy fiber plays a key role in regulating the immune system and inflammation.

Avocados and Chronic diseases

There has been a health study on people who eat avocados and a group of people’s dietary habits.

The Study then revealed that people who eat avocados are much healthier than people who don’t.

Avocados prevent consumers with a higher intake of fiber and nutrients from developing coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Eating avocado helps with lowering blood pressure and cholesterol level, less belly fat.

Avocados have many other benefits that are not mentioned in the article. 

Incorporating avocados into your weekly diet may prove to be beneficial on many levels. These benefits include health, body weight, the intake of good fat, and healthy fibers.

Food, Diet, Keto, Ketodieta, Fitness, Vegetables

Jim Kwik, in his book Limitless, advises you to use avocados in your diet. He states that avocado is one of the main food great to improve your brain capability and memory.